The channels, documents, content and platforms through which OASIS MASSEIN makes its services available to users are protected by Copyright Laws and are exclusive property of OASIS MASSEIN, as well as their storage, compilation, distribution, translation, inclusion, transmission or access through any analog or digital medium.
Any use, reproduction, storage, compilation, distribution, translation, inclusion, transmission or access through any analog or digital medium must be expressly authorized by OASIS MASSEIN. The authorization must be requested through the email [email protected]. Any commercial use of these contents is prohibited.
OASIS MASSEIN cannot guarantee that the content generated by the administrators of its channels is free of errors or inaccuracies, for this reason OASIS MASSEIN:
Channel users may participate with comments and contributions, which will be understood as property of the user who provides them. Users guarantee that the content provided belongs to them and that they are not violating the Copyright and Industrial Property of third parties and assume full responsibility for any claim that may arise from its use.
Through their participation, users grant OASIS MASSEIN a free, non-exclusive and permanent license to use, reproduce, adapt, store, compile, distribute and sub-license said content. OASIS MASSEIN commits to acknowledge the authorship of the content created by users, without implying any compensation.
By entering the channels, users grant OASIS MASSEIN the following rights:
© All rights reserved – Oasis Massein